Mother tongue education

Mother tongue education:

AfriForum Youth is campaigning for the promotion of multilingualism  and mother tongue education in South Africa.  According to the South African Constitution, South Africa has 11 official languages.  In reality, only one of these languages are often implemented at the expense of the other.  Mother tongue education is the most effective way to proper education and international competitiveness.

Actions launched for the protection of Afrikaans:

  • Published a comprehensive report on mother tongue education;
  • Launched a petition on the graffiti wall at Tuks, demanding that student numbers of Afrikaans speaking students not dwindle any further;
  • Submission made to the Minister of Higher Education on the advantages of mother tongue education;
  • Fights for the preservation of single-medium Afrikaans schools;
  • Ongoing, successful handling of language complaints at university campuses;
  • Held youth conferences on mother tongue education;
  • Held a student conference at Tuks about the advantages of mother tongue education;
  • Silent protest staged for mother tongue education at the Department of Higher Education;
  • Staged a protest picnic for Afrikaans at Tuks;
  • ‘Run for Afrikaans’-events hosted at university campuses.